Monday, March 7, 2011

Spring Rains will bring a nice Desert Bloom

It's been a wet winter in San Diego. We had a nice stretch of weather through January and early February, but then it turned cold and blustery with more unsettled weather. This morning, (Monday March 7th, 2011) we have a cold rain falling but not very heavily.

When the Sun does shine and you can find a place out of the wind and shade, you can feel the radiant heat on your skin. It's so nice to get the heat from the Sun and know that Spring is coming. Soon we will all have to be concerned about sun block and taking good care of our winter birthday suits.

I'm looking forward to spending more time in the garage fixing and selling my growing collection of bicycles. I also look forward to riding my favorites. I continually am trying to build "the perfect bike" and depending on my mood and requirements at any said time, the design changes like the weather.

One of my projects is to prepare for and then to get out into the deserts of Southern California in March, April and early May, to enjoy the wild flowers. We've been having good soaking rains sense October and the the bloom is expected to be spectacular this year.

I have to decide which bike I'm going to bring with me in my truck and what kind of "touring" I'm going to do once out in the deserts. Setting the bike up with bags, water and camera gear will be a challenge.